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Becca’s Story

Becca Jane, 20, Challenge Captain, CO, organized and led Cully’s Run to advocate for the importance of accessible mental health care and support the New Hampshire nonprofit, Headrest

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Background & Impact

During my first Positive Tracks Challenge, I led my college rugby team’s annual 5K, Cully’s Run, created in honor of a former teammate and student who lost her battle to mental illness. The event shed light on mental health and suicide prevention, while simultaneously raising funds for a local organization addressing those very issues.


I partnered with Positive Tracks who coached me to create a plan, mobilize my community, and amplify my outreach. At Positive Tracks’ suggestion, I encouraged everyone to carry a rugby pad with a partner to represent the heavy mental health burden that a person may carry throughout life. By sharing the weight with a friend, we simulated the role that family, friends, and community play in helping to lighten the emotional load. I created two more Challenges destigmatizing mental illness and chose to partner with Positive Tracks”, reaching more people and sparking critical, but often difficult, conversations.


My Positive Tracks’ experiences supported my growth and let me know that my voice and ideas truly matter. I now feel confident in the steps I’m taking to make a difference because Positive Tracks’ passion for supporting young people is second to none.